Any topic (writer’s choice)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

title: Promoting Positive Eye-care Seeking Behavior in Diabetic Retinopathy Patients in Saudi Arabia

Final submission: The final project report is due on April 1st,  Plagiarism check will be done on your report so check the guidelines for plagiarism given in the course outline. The guidelines for the report submission:

the proposal should be organized as follows:

A. Executive Summary of the Proposed Program (1page)
Need and supporting data
Service area and population to be served
Remember this is a synopsis of the most important points from the Narrative.

B. Narrative (maximum of 10 pages)

1. Problem Statement
a. Description of issue or need to be addressed by proposed program
b. Supporting facts and documentation of need for the proposed program

2. Project Description
a. Description of proposed program
b. Identify target population and number of people to be served
c. Project goals, objectives and activities (complete Log frame matrix)
d. Other organizations / collaborators participating in the project and their role e.
Timetable for implementation (Gantt chart)

3. Monitoring and Evaluation (1 page)
a. MIS formats
b. What impact will you have? How will you know? Who will do the evaluation? How
will the results be used?

4. Budget
a. Budget Worksheets

please let me know if you need help, in the attachment you will find the title proposal and 2 examples of the templet needed.

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